Monday, March 23, 2020

Is 2020 the year of Zozo?

In 2012 i published information that i had recieved several reports of Zozo encounters on Ouija boards that foretold 2020 as apocolyptic. This screenshot is from my post entitled Zozo 2012 news update - at

In several emails sent to me desriptions of doomsday scenarios were revealed. In one account Zozo promised that there would be a great "coma" in 2020. Could this coma really mean Corona? 

In another chilling email, a Mom from Minnesota reported a session in which Zozo said it would be born again in 2020. That it was currently in a dream state, but would awaken from its slumber and cause the earth to shake. 

The following link describes a frightening ouija session in which 2020 is mentioned . The session produced alarming references to the stock market crashing and China. The ouija session also predicted that Donald Trump would be elected president. 

On March 16th, 2017 i tweeted the above caption. Many Zozo encounters reveal that the end of days will happen in 2020. There will be an eclipse of that year. I had no idea that my Mother would die on January 11th of 2020, during the first full moon of the decade, and the year 2020. The same date as the lunar "wolfe moon" eclipse. 

In 2016 i emailed Rosemary Ellen Guiley, co author of our book The Zozo Phenomenon . We had plans to release a follow up project tentatively entitled Zozo Prophesies - 2020. Unfortunately, Rose passed away before we could process our findings. 

A foreboding?

On November 3rd of 2018 i was hospitalized with a severe upper respitory infection for two weeks. I developed sepsis and began coughing up blood. Doctors tested me for influenza and it came up negative. Days prior, i had conducted a live ouija session on the show Ghost Adventures. 

During the broadcast the session was just getting started when Zozo was spelled out. But before we could continue we were asked to shut it down due to network time. No closing of the session was done, and days later i was hospitalized. 

Not long after this my brother Travis was found dead in my Moms house in Broken Arrow Oklahoma. Within a week my life long friend Rollin died from a tragic accident in Tulsa. Never in my wildest nightmares would i have thought that both Travis and Rollin would wind up lying next to each other in a Tulsa morgue, but that is exactly what happened. 

2 years later we are in the grips of the worst influenza pandemic the world has seen since the Spanish influenza of 1918. Covid19 erupted in November of 2019 in Wuhan China. Days before this new Corona virus began its reign of destruction Zak Bagans tweeted this cryptic spontaneous post:

Did Zak have a bad dream about Zozo the night of November 1st?  I find it ironic that he would tweet about the coming of 2020 and the fear about to hit the world days before the pandemic surfaced. 

Besides the Zozo connection to 2020, what other sources predict 2020 to be the end of days? 

The following tumblr post had a destructive astrological prediction for 2020:

The following film clip is from the 2000 movie Cecil B Demented. Zozo is mentioned as the 3 headed dog that guards the gates of hell. 

This was 9 years before i went public with my research into Zozo Phenomena. If Zozo was not known as a demon by modern society until 2009, how is it that the name Zozo was used in this film. Cerebus is usually named to fit this demonic character. 

Revelations 13 describes a 3 headed dragon emerging from the sea. 

Other 2020 predictions:

 A computer program named “World One,” which was developed in 1973 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), predicts 2020 to be the year when a series of catastrophic events kick off a 20-year process of a slow demise of human civilization.

According to a 1973 book by astrologer Jeane Dixon, Armageddon will come in 2020, when a false prophet, satan and the anti-christ rise together against mankind.

Sylvia Brown was a renowned psychic who wrote a book called End of Days. She said in around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments.

According to the Mayan calandar 2012 was to signify the end of a great cycle of time, thought to be the end of the world. Stephen Hawking was interviewed saying the Mayan calculation of 2012 was based on miscalculations, that true end of the cylic time period is 2020.

Here is a screenshot from a poem i found published in 2010:

Revelations describes Seven Angels delivering the 7 plagues. 

Covid-19 is the 7th identified strain of Corona virus. 

Corona means Crown because of the viruses signature protein spikes. 

2016 in Hebraic time is 5777, known as the "Feast of Trumpets." This correlates with Donald Trump being elected president. 

This is also called the age of Zayin. Zayin is the 7th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is considered a time in which we will all be judged by God. Zayin means "Crown" in Hebrew, or represented by a sword. 

This time period ushers in 2020. The letter Z is thought to contain two inverted 7's. As a letter, it has a dark history even being eliminated in early Latin for the pronunciation produced facial grimaces called the rictus of death. (resembling that of a freshly dug up corpse) 

Could the Age of Zayin signify biblical predictions of the end of days? 

A Tibetan prophesy written in 700 AD, reveals that mankind will go thru a series of ages. One age of prosperity will last thousands of years, but a King will unwillingly release a human from the 9th citadel underground. His name? Zozo. 

The appearance of Zozo signifies the age of declines, where Zozo becomes "Lord of all Demons." This epoch will trigger the end of mankind as all the worlds demons band together with Zozo. 

I will be adding additional information as i have time during this world crises. I am saddened to hear of the fires of Australia, the recent seismic activity such as in Utah. Out of season tornados that hit Nashville causing devestating loss of property and life. 

We are seeing the arrival of locusts, awakening from their 17 year hibernation. I fear that the world as we know it is about to change. 

Staring out the passenger window i had been asking for a sign. Moments later i snapped this picture in Las Vegas. I did not realize at the time there was razor wire in the photo. 

Synchronicity tells us to be mindful of these signs. I think the picture tells a story. The fence is symbolic of us all being imprisoned by the recent events. We are all facing the biggest challenges the world has ever seen.

But we must not give up hope. We must continue to fight our demons of destruction. We must remain vigilant in the struggle for survival. I pray that we stay strong, and overcome these staggering predictions.

May God be with us all.



  1. This is a great post and the info is mind blowing

  2. I was watching another program about covid and when 2020 came up it looked like zozo to me. So I went looking for info and found this. I am a bible believing truther and I truly believe Yah shows me stuff so I do believe this is the year of zozo. I also had a dream on the last full moon may 8th about a llama in the snow and when I woke up later and looked at the weather networks news stories there was a story about a llama named winter that could save the health care workers. Yah shows us stuff if we pay attention. In the name of yeshua hamachiach I bind the spirit of zozo please let the truth be known to all and let yah's goodness reign.
