Monday, July 27, 2015

Thoughts on the ideomotor effect.

I do believe the ideomotor effect to be involved in Ouija phenomenon, but I also do not think it can totally explain the information exchange. I think there is more going on than tiny involuntary muscle movements. When entire conversations are taking place involving invisible participants that reveal unknown knowledge to the players, are we to dismiss the statistical probability of such an exchange? In my own Ouija experiences I noticed the mis-spelling of words that I know I would never misspell. Does the ideomotor effect explain what part of the brain that caused the forced inaccuracy?

How do automated movements facilitate abilities to suddenly spell words and sentences in an unknown foreign language such as Hebrew or Latin? Or how sentence structure can reveal slang or old style dialects? How does science explain that an automatic response such as in play with Ouija board often produces a very powerful and negative exchange that can harbor abhorrent thoughts and perverted responses that can come across as shocking to the participants. If a dowsing rod could talk, would it call you a whore and threaten to plow you to a fiery demise?

In situations where say 3 or 4 participants are placing their fingers on a planchette, how is that the ideomotor effect works on each player individually? One would have to conclude that at the very microsecond the question is being asked, the entire facilitated auto response would have to be magically resolved into an unknown group effect. How does this magical subconscious mechanism engineer statements and ramblings NOT pertaining to questions asked?

Would it not be more scientific to expect that these 3 or 4 players who are spelling words and complex sentence structures using subconscious and independent muscle movements to actually spell non meaningful gibberish as opposed to  clever and immediate responses? I have seen immediate and witty abbreviations implemented into conversations during Ouija sessions in which the planchette moved with such speed and quickness one would quickly lose train of thought, and required an outside observer writing down the words during the session just to remember the exchange taking place.

While I do not believe the ideomotor effect to be a concrete and total explanation for Ouija phenomena, i do view the effect to be a necessary byproduct or conduit for spiritual communication. While evidence of full blown physical spirit possession seems to be a very rare occurrence in comparison to a diabolical oppression, is it really too far fetched to believe in the possibility that other worldly beings from another dimension can somehow channel information through our brains telepathically?

Law of attraction advocates speculate that when it comes to Ouija,  you are simply mirroring your expectations.  That fear will produce fear.  But in many Ouija sessions fear seems to be brought about by the explicit messages themselves as opposed to one's calm and neutral demeanor prior to,  and during the session.  Thousands of people describe the eerie feeling of being watched,  or a presence that cannot be seen but rather "felt"... not unlike a cold wind.  How can the ideomotor effect explain why it is so common for there to be such an evil or unpleasant reaction? 

In my research of Ouija sessions many participants describe a strange buzzing sensation, similar to what people refer to as a " ghost cellphone" vibration. Is this also explained by the ideomotor effect? 

I would agree in the possibility that there are so many negative experiences and exchanges with the "Z-entities" that there must be some conscious and or unconscious recognition bias going on thru the collective human unconscious. The Hollywood demonization of the Ouija is also at play. ... but although sensationalized,  are films such as The Exorcist not based on actual cases? 

Can science explain how involuntary muscle movements that channel subconscious thought via Ouija lead to people committing crimes and murder after dabbling with the infamous oracle? Is it simply hysteria brought about by auto suggestion?

The curious tragedy and story of the  "Zo" people of Burma, The "Kings of Zozo,"....the secret societies of "Zo" shamans in Africa that were recently exposed to have actually help spread the Ebola virus due to their healing techniques, etc. The Oz / Zo phenomena described by Jake Kotz in his blog Rant in Z minor point to some kind of weird synchromystic type of paradigm going on. The historic evidences of Zozo as being a demonic entity before the modern invention of the Ouija is perhaps nothing more than a very extraordinary coincidence, but one worthy of examination and educated speculation.

Serial killers and rapists often talk about the voices in their heads that prompt them to commit horrific crimes.  Is it possible these "voices" are sadistic impulses and communication exchanges from denizens from other dimensions?  These messages could be likened to a radio transmission.  To the primitive un knowing mind,  the vocalizations appear to be originating from the device,  but we know the messages and sounds are just waves of sound being transmitted. 

Researchers at UBC have been using Ouija boards to explore the human sub conscious.  I interviewed several of them recently on my radio show, and while the scientists do not attribute anything paranormal to their research,  their findings are anything but normal.  Participants were able to answer questions with higher accuracy on subjects they had no prior knowledge to while using the Ouija,  than when NOT using the board.  The resulting percentage increase in correct answers was significant enough to indicate a yet to be identified mechanism at play. How does the ideomotor effect allow us to answer questions correctly with no prior knowledge to the subject matter? 

So it would seem regardless on which side of the fence you sit......skeptics and believers alike agree that the planchette moves because of impulses unconsciously generated by the participants. This fact in my opinion does not change the paranormality of Ouija phenomena because I have yet to read how science explains how it all works.

Aleister Crowley said the demons of the Goetia are real. ... they exist in the human mind.  Jung described hidden archetypes such as the dark shadow that exists inside every person.  How do these diabolical beings surface during Ouija?  Surely it's JUST tiny muscle movements right?

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